
On-In! Trail is done! Time for some beverages, yellow/orange food, and CIRCLE where you can call out your buddies and punish the hare for their sh*tty trail!

On-Over Go Over/Under something


A fishhook check has a fishhook with a number. When you see this you will also see a matching set of drinks (minis/beer cans) nearby that must be carried back to the last in the pack and shared with them. Then continue trail you FRBs!

BB Brown Bag – When you see “BB” on trail you should immediately look for a small brown bag, then open it and you and the pack MUST finish eating/drinking all items within before continuing trail. It’s not a check, just a way to slow you down and have some fun.

In the past I’ve seen tic-tacs, candy bars, gummy worms, box of mushroom soup, and many other fun or not so fun treats.

BN/BC Beer Near / Beer Check – when you see this mark you should be exceedingly happy! BEER IS NEAR!!! Look around for the hare waiting with beer/water/wine or look for a bag full of ice and beer/water/ice. After a quick beer stop, get back on trail!

Turkey Eagle Split When you see this mark you must make a decision. Soar with the Eagles (Harder/Longer Trail) or Strut with the Turkeys (Shorter/Easier Trail). Both end up at the same place, but it can be a life changing decision based on who is haring.

Check Back When you see this mark you must go back the amount of marks represented in the check. The first mark is “1”.

Whichy-Way At this mark the trail can only go in two directions. The FIRST mark after this check isn ON-ON!

BVC Be Very Careful! When you see this please look around you and if it’s a street, look both ways before crossing.

YBF You’ve been F*cked! Same as a false trail, but a little racier. When you see this mark you must return to the last check and search in a different direction, except for the original direction.

False Trail When you see this mark you must return to the last check and search in a different direction, except for the original direction.

Motorboat Check A motorboat check is just that, a check where a person with boobs lets another person motorboat them! Then you look for trail.

Package Check All who identify as female must stop and wait until they see a package and scream with glee like a person seeing a package for the first time. However, a person with a package CAN solve trail and all those waiting MUST respect their decision to do so.

Boob Check All who identify as male must stop and wait until they see boobs and scream with glee like a person seeing boobs for the first time. However, a person with boobs CAN solve trail and all those waiting MUST respect their decision to do so.

Hold Check Not as fun as a song check, but when you see this mark this many hashers must stop wait until the number waiting/holder equals the number on the check, then solve trail from here (acts like a standard check after number is met).

Song Check or When you see this mark which can be displayed as S# or Note# this many hashers must stop and sing a hash song, then solve trail from here (acts like a standard check after the song is sung).

Turn This mark will either curve to the left or right, so… head(!) in that direction! These really help on trails to keep your pack members moving in the correct direction when you can’t lay a check.

You should write your hash name initials next to this mark so others know who checked the trail and who to punish in circle if you messed up.

Pack Mark Laid by pack members to let a fellow pack member that they have either checked and found the correct way or by marking it with ||| (false trail) lets you know it was not the correct direction.

True Trail Laid ONLY by the hare and this is to let you know that you are absolutely head(!)ed in the correct direction.

Check A check / decision point is where you can go in any one of 369 degrees (or more!) except from whence you came!

When you get to this or any other check, call out “CHECK!” or I’ve been to kennels where they will also do a long single whistle blow.

Dollop of flour or Line of chalk Standard trail mark letting you know that you “might” be on the right trail. When you see one you call out, “ON ONE!” When you see two you call out, “ON TWO!” When you see three you call out, “ON-ON!” or blow your whistle twice

What is Chalk Talk? 🖍️🏃‍♂️

Chalk Talk is the quick, pre-run briefing in hashing where the hares (trail setters) explain the markings and symbols you'll encounter on the trail. It’s essentially a crash course in decoding the weird and wacky hieroglyphs they've scrawled all over the ground.

Why Is Chalk Talk Important?

  • Newbie-Friendly: Virgin hashers need to know what they’re following (or, more likely, getting lost while following).

  • Every Trail Is Unique: Different kennels have their own twist on symbols. What looks like a beer check in one kennel might mean "You're lost!" somewhere else.

  • No One Gets Left Behind: (Well, not intentionally.) Chalk Talk ensures everyone at least has a fighting chance of staying on trail.

Common Markings Explained 🖍️

  • Flour or Chalk Arrows (→): Follow these to stay on trail. Simple enough.

  • Circle with an X (☓): A false trail. Turn around and try again, sucker.

  • Circle with a Checkmark (⭕): A check. The trail splits here. Find the correct direction!

  • Beer Mug Symbol (🍺): The holy grail—a beer check! Stop, drink, and enjoy the moment.

  • On-In: The end of the trail. Time to party! 🎉

Rules for Chalk Talk

  1. Pay Attention! This is your survival guide for the run, especially if you’re new.

  2. Ask Questions! If you don’t understand something, now’s the time to ask. You will be mocked if you screw up later.

  3. No Overthinking: This isn’t a calculus class. The trail’s not about being right; it’s about having fun.

Chalk Talk is where the madness begins. It’s a quick laugh, a learning moment, and a chance to mentally prepare for the inevitable mischief ahead. Now, shut up and pay attention—trail awaits! 😉

South Sound H3 (SSH3) Hash #220 – Chalk Talk

🎥 Video Credit: Courtesy of Mr. Burns