How To
How to find/view & edit the Google Calendar

Start in the South sound h3 group page. Click on the "Featured" tab as seen in the picture
Here you find everything "Featured". To find the "Calendar", scroll down until you find the post with the google calendar link, as seen below. Simply click the link and it will open a new browser tab to the calendar.
Attention, the Google Calendar is a Public calendar and can not be edited from here. To edit the calendar, see the Edit Calendar How To below.
To Edit the Calendar you must be setup with On-Sec to have EDIT Access to the Google Drive and Calendar FIRST.
If you have been setup to edit the calendar already, just log in to the SSH3 Google Calendar through a browser and edit.
Attention! The Calendar is setup for our Dates already and have a fill script for the information. Just replace the placeholders with the according information. Please do not make changes to the setup except fill in the placeholders.